fovea centralis

By fovea


This, my friends, is the boot of Wild Bill Hickok. At least that is his day job. Fort Worth is a strange Texas town. A mix of new urban planning and run-down, left-behind building and structures of years gone by. Oh well, to each city its own.

B and I decided to take a bliptrip today. He didn't like the shots he had already taken and I hadn't taken any yet. So we hit up the famous Fort Worth Stockyards. We were taking some interesting shots and I guess the camera and our gesturing about drew the attention of ol' Wild Bill; thinking we were tourists he decided he would stroll on over and give us his spiel. Long story short, he works off donations and we could pose with him and take unlimited photos. It was a slow day for Wild Bill, so we indulged. What fun!

For those curious :
James Butler Hickok (May 27, 1837 - August 2, 1876), better known as Wild Bill Hickok, was a figure in the American Old West. His skills as a gunfighter and scout, along with his reputation as a lawman, provided the basis for his fame, although some of his exploits are fictionalized. His nickname of Wild Bill has inspired similar nicknames for men known for their daring in various fields.

Hickok came to the West as a stagecoach driver, then became a lawman in the frontier territories of Kansas and Nebraska. He fought in the Union Army during the American Civil War, and gained publicity after the war as a scout, marksman, and professional gambler. Between his law-enforcement duties and gambling, which easily overlapped, Hickok was involved in several notable shootouts, and was ultimately killed while playing poker in a Dakota Territory saloon.


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