
By dsyglsy

'butts wynd'

this is exactly the kind of street name that appeals to the kids...

another sunny day in st. andrews - it's like summer, with a bit of a cold wind and the occasional shower thrown in when you decide to sit outside for a drink...that's scotland for you! everyone was sitting outside enjoying the sun though, it feels like st. andrews has it's own micro-climate.

it's absolutely hoaching with students, tourists and golfers - for such a small place, there's a lot going on. we had fun wandering round the shops this afternoon, stopping for some toys, clothes, cakes and drinks. lots of the shops are cashing in on the wills-kate royal wedding theme - and there are so many american and english people here that I'm sure they're doing pretty well off it! but not from us I'm afraid...

off to the beach on our bikes now - tallyho!

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