Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Hey Mr Tally-Man

Do you need a hand identifying these?
I could give you a bunch of clues if you wanted but I'll be straight with you:- I'm sure you could fit them on a lady's fingers.

(For those still unsure, I'll give the answer tomorrow.)

Regarding earlier posts on the ospreys - they cheated me. Here's how:-
My own experience of ospreys is the Scottish one where they are secretive birds, generally only viewed from afar, usually from a bird hide. That is why I was so excited to find a nest site viewable from our balcony. I was more than happy to get shots of them at the extreme limit of my telephoto lens - until my final afternoon that is. . .

I went in the opposite direction to normal and came across a public open-air swimming pool at the top of a beach. It had a stainless steel sculpture at one end, and there, perched atop a stainless steel seagull was an osprey - totally oblivious to the noisy children playing just 12 feet below. I then nearly screamed when after just half a dozen shots, my camera commanded me to 'Change the Battery Pack'. (N.B. Expletives have been deleted to comply with site regulations.)

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