
17months 25 days

Today our babies graduated to toddlerdom. Although I guess they've been toddlers a while, it just became more official today, in a couple of ways. They had their last baby gymnastics this morning. Their big girl class is still with much loved Chris and Sarah, but we felt it deserved a photo - they took some persuading (it boiled down to Chris "oh well I have just had my hair done" and Sarah "at least I have got my fresh-from-holiday tan"). After Easter, they will be the little girls in with the bigger toddlers.

Both girls seemed to really enjoy soft play today. Katie was charging, climbing, sliding and bouncing around and didnt' stop once to have anything to eat! She was loving rocking on a big half sphere, she thought it was hilarious. She made it right through to being sat in the highchair before she munched.

After a sleep and some shopping, it was time for her second graduation. From baby swimming class. A year ago, almost to the day, we started baby swimming. It was the best decision to join a group I've made. Not only did she absolutely love it, and loved (still loves) her teacher, we met Ava Bobbins and her mummy. Next Saturday, our girlies start in the toddler swimming. Today, I took Katie half an hour early because we had to leave immediately after the class. She had a blast before the lesson as the big floating boat, bike and car were out. She also did some hugely energetic swimming, and continued like that through the lesson. She was swimming to and from her teacher and laughing away. We've made sure the girls' toddler lessons are with the same teacher, she can see them right through their swimming progression. But best of all, toddler class means the girlies swim together again after a term apart!

I had a meeting to go to late this afternoon, so Granny and Grandad were looking after her. I had thought they'd just come home, but nope, they had even more fun things up their sleeve! They took Katie to feed some ducks and swans, and to Katie's delight were joined by an exceptionally friendly cat. They wandered through a churchyard, looking at flowers and had a little look in the church.

I arrived home as they'd sat down to tea, at which point Katie decided she was sitting on my knee and snuggling/stealing my tea, rather than finishing hers. She has been brilliant all day, so much fun to be with and I'm so proud of the little girl she has become.

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