All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Caught in the act

Another early start from Ethan - up at 4am and wouldn't settle. In the end he went in with hubbie and I went in the spare room, but I couldn't get back to sleep even though Ethan and hubbie did eventually!

Ethan was up for the day before I went to work, so I took him through to see Granny & Grandpa who had arrived last night after he went to bed. He gave them the biggest grin when he saw them and immediately wanted up on their bed for cuddles. So cute!

When got home from work, Foreveryoung and baby Eden were there. It's the first time I've seen them for about a month so I've had lots of cuddles with Eden. Her hubbie and his mum came along later too so as we suddenly had lots more people for dinner than expected, Granny offered to pay for takeaway pizza. Ethan had already eaten his macaroni cheese but kept helping himself to our pizza too!

Foreveryoung and Eden are staying overnight with us tonight ... wonder how much sleep we'll all get between us!

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