BlipaEwan 40...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see how they change over time.

This month's biggest point of note most definitely has to be about Lunjer. Lunjer is what can be best described as an imaginary friend that Ewan has developed. It's another of these things that Ewan just came out with, with no prior hints that it was coming. He doesn't play with Lunjer directly that I've seen but he is alluded to such as 'Lunjer is at the park', 'Lunjer has a balloon.' or 'That's Lunjer's daddy.'

Ewan got his date for starting nursery this month. He starts next Tuesday the 19th. On that note, he got his first party invite, one that didn't strictly involved Bethany. There is a boy in Bethany's nursery who has a wee brother about the same age as Ewan who will in all likelihood be on his nursery class. He sometimes plays with Liam whilst waiting for Bethany's school bell to no go. Ewan therefore got invited to his birthday.

Both the kids went on their first non-grandparents sleep over and stayed the night with Uncle Ali and Aunt Joslyn. They had a great time and even slept in late.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BlipaEwan into the Blip Search facility.

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