Autumn leaves

Had a great day today. Kaz and I were very productive in the morning, tidying up the house, mowing the lawn and replacing the silicone around the bathroom and kitchen walls. We had our friends Clare and Cindy come up and visit! We had lunch, played games while Spence was asleep, then put together a bookcase when he woke up, then went out for tea to the Thai restaurant in Warragul! It was really good!

We have just got home now, Spence is in bed and while I was saying goodnight to him he said 'Mummy, I like you. And I like the roof and that wall and the frogs and the curtains and that picture and that other picture of me when I was a little baby'!! Very cute!!

I took this photo this morning just after I had mowed the lawns, of one of the trees in the yard. All the leaves are changing colour and the sun was shining brilliantly!


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