The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Raindrops keep falling on....

Another gap-filling backblip to see if I can sneak on without comment.

It was pouring this morning and I had to go to Manchester, so I left my camera at home. It was raining when I got home and the light was low, so opportunities for an outdoor photo were few. I noticed one of the jackdaws that are nesting in next door's chimney was perched in the rain at the edge of the roof. It wasn't until I had taken the photo that I saw that the second bird of the pair was sheltering under the overhang of the roof, in the dead ivy.

The roof is a bit of a state, but it's good news for the house sparrows that are nesting inside, safe from predation from the jackdaws.

It would be nice to think it's a chivalrous male that is sat in the rain while his mate shelters, but the truth is I can't spot the difference between them.

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