SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip


Today is a really good day and I can't stop smiling, i'm too excited!

At 10.46 this morning little baby P.A.S was born! P.A.S is the first born and new daughter to R & L the lovely R's cousin and his wife. Cousin R is the youngest child of the lovely R's Uncle and Aunt C & R who live over in South Africa (there are too many R's so I hope your still with me). P.A.S. is the 9th Grandchild for C & R and second one to be born in the UK!

New Mother and child are very well indeed and as R (cousin) put in his text... she has 10 fingers and 10 toes and has two very proud parents!

R has been so excited over the last few weeks about the imminent birth, indeed it all happened a week before the due date in a planned birth. They are both going to make great parents and I have to say i'm sure that little baby P.A.S. will be climbing mountains, sea kayaking, sailing and running marathons before she has started nursery!!

The little one's arrival is a very special anniversary gift for R & L who in 3 days time will be celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. They're no stranger to celebrating their wedding anniversary in style... their first they ran the London Marathon, 2nd the Paris Marathon, 3rd the Boston Marathon and then last year they put on hold doing the Phuket marathon instead heading to South Africa (as did we) to help C celebrate his 70th birthday on a game reserve with the rest of the family near Port Elizabeth in the July. I think marathons for L are on hold for a wee while!

We will not the see the new arrival for sometime probably at the beginning of June as they have imminent arrivals of the very proud Grandparents jetting in from Jo'burg and Capetown respectively.

We are just waiting to hear from M, the lovely R's Mum she'll be full of excitement over the new arrival and also will no doubt recount the number of grandchildren her brother now has! I have lost track of how many times in the last few months we have heard "my brother is going to have 9 grandchildren and I have none!" We are not having children ourselves and that is our decision and I think M is disappointed with that but we love to be around all the cousins and their children.

Its an exciting time for all.

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