Taste Life Twice

By jillisahope

100th Blip on my 33rd Birthday

Hurray! I've finally reached my 100th blip, and on my 33rd birthday! I spent the morning getting fingerprinted (for the new job), lolling around the National Botanical Garden with my camera, and lunching and learning at the National Museum of the American Indian. Despite the dozens of photos I took while away on my adventures, today's blip is from the dogwood in my front yard... the only plant I felt I could safely write graffiti on!

Now off to make a champagne cake and enjoy the evening with my bestie husband and my parents. Hurray for birthdays, blip and otherwise!

Thank you to the people who make Blip happen, and for all the friendliness that abounds in this community! I am forever telling people that Blip is the nicest community on the internet, and I am so happy I found it. Thanks, Lizard Meanders, for leading me here!

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