Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

Relaxing on a Sunday morning.....

..... after cooked breakfast, everyone enjoyed a quiet read.

The end of a wonderful weekend in the country, we headed back to London at lunchtime, stopping off in Clapham to buy Sam a new pair of shoes.

We had a small delay getting out of the car, (cue much protestation from the boys) as I refused to go anywhere until I put my make-up on, and changed Sam's filthy T-shirt (eating cookies en route without a bib). It's my golden rule. Don't go anywhere without looking good, you never know who you might bump into.

Well, it's a good job I enforced it. We met an old Uni friend of Gareth's, who we haven't seen since 1999! I think there was a degree of surprise that the 2 teenagers who'd commuted up and down the country every weekend, had managed to survive all the years, become husband and wife, and responsible parents (or so we lead him to believe, anyway!).

I seem to have lost the ability to tell a good photo from a bad one, and am being ridiculously slow at sorting my photos out. Most unlike me. Must. Get. A. Grip. There, that's told me.

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