Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe


This afternoon I drove to Somerset in glorious sunshine, there was the usual traffic jam at Stonehenge on the A 303 so I snapped this from the car.

There was also a hold up on the M 3 due to a wild fire extending over a vast tract of heath land. Lots of hunky firemen on the hard shoulder of the motorway damping down flames as we crawled past. I wasn't sure if it was the fire or the sight of the firemen causing the traffic jam.

The first time I visited Stonehenge was by coach on a school trip. That was back in the day when there was no fence and you could walk amongst the stones. We had our picnic lunch sitting in the circle. Back on the coach home, one girl - name long forgotten, realised she had left her glasses by the heel stone, the coach had to turn back for her to retrieve them. We were very late home, no mobile phones then and lots of anxious parents waiting.

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