Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Lay among the tulips...

I love my job most days but there are days when I really love it. Today was one of those days. In spite of being cooped up in a stuffy consulting room all morning I left with the feeling that life is good :-)

This afternoon was even better. In the garden with my boys. What could be nicer? Then, lying on the grass watching the evening sun filter through my dwarf tulips I got the urge to blip.

So yes it's a 'boring' flower blip but it isn't a desperation blip and it was quite deliberately taken with Blip in remind me of how gorgeous my garden blooms are :-)

Oh...and the next door neighbours are minding her brother's doggy while he and his family are away. They own a Weimaraner and a small Staffy who live amicably together with a small cat. Lily...the guest dog, is a diminutive dachshund. She is also Hannibal Lecter in dog form and frankly she should wear the same head gear! I was in Noah's room earlier with the window's open and the mother of all dog fights kicked off next door. Among the howls and general squealing were the frantic cries of LILY! NO!...LILY STAY!...LILY! GET OFF HIM. I'm guessing Lily might feature in House Guests from Hell...should ITV ever consider making such a programme. If they haven't already it's only a matter of time! I'm also guessing this may be the last time Lily is invited to stay.

Just spotted my last year's blip. Looks like we were having great weather then too :-)

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