Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

It iS Well WitH my SOul

We found some blippin' duckies,
Some apple pie to go,
Bambie's little fam'ly
And a shanty on the slough.

Our hearts were full of Sonshine,
And round each corner true,
The sunshine through the window,
Got me blippin' my mug too!

Each time we changed directions,
Experiments of light,
The blippin' window of my soul,
Bright blue, and feelin' right!

Aside from corny po'try,
Our hearts are satisfied,
To love a risen Savior,
'Cuz death has been denied!!

Doin' the happy dance....blushing 'cuz I'm gonna post a silly SP and some corny poetry...hee hee hee...

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