Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


C. L. Comfort

This Graflex 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 format camera, belonging to Sheepish Contraptioneer's Grand Dad, once the foreman of the mill in Malone, Washington, took many a trip into the Olympic wilderness area, riding in a back pack, to record the beauty of the Enchanted Valley in the early 30's.

I love the links that come up on searches for this wonderful adventure spot, as some of them are trip journals, and we have a sample of the trip journal penned by his Grandmother...complete with sketches.

Tomorrow, I will blip a pastel work of art that was created by his Grandmother of the Enchanted Valley. We're unsure if it was completed while on the trip, or from sketches after the fact.

Great Grandmother made her last trip with them, riding on a pack horse into the Enchanted Valley past the age of 90 ...and made it back out again!

Upon arrival at their destination, it is reported that Grand Dad wouldn't sit down until he'd built a chair from branches found in the woods. He'd build tables and chairs to use while camping, then leave them behind for the next folks who came along.

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