Sleep in!!!

Spence stayed at Nana's house last night so this morning Kaz and I got a sleep in!! It was brilliant!! We slept until 8.30am!!! We got up, had hot cross buns for breakfast, packed the car and went to our Traralgon house to mow the lawns and chop some bushes. It hasn't settled yet but we are allowed to fix up the garden if we want before settlement! We spent the morning there and then came home about 1pm and mowed our own lawns! A friend of ours, M, who is also a blipper came over on her way home from staying with an aunt of hers! We had a lovely afternoon, chatting and catching up! Spence and Cheryl came home as well while I was mowing the lawns.

We have got the fire going and Spence and I are watching a documentary on birds. I am not feeling very well again so am just taking it easy!! Biggest Loser on again tonight and then hopefully an early night!

I took this just before from our balcony of the sun setting. It has been a beautiful day but is cold at night now.

It's Kaz and my 5 year anniversary today! We have had such a lovely weekend together. It seems like we have been together forever (in a good way!!). I can't imagine being without her! We are so lucky to have each other and Spence in our lovely family.

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