A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

None of the above

Fortunately all the kids found all the required tokens to be exchanged for Easter eggs so there was no need for any of the above. There wasn't even any need for the throwing of that sticky plant (no idea of its name) at other kids to sabotage their efforts (as was suggested) as there were eggs aplenty.

This was our final, on the way home, outing of our Easter weekend away. At one point we were sitting on a grassy bank in front of the castle and it was commented that we couldn't have had a more English scene - pretty village check, St George flag check, steam railway line check, rolling fields check. All very beautiful.

Back home now, a little unpacked (well the first wash is on), Dr Who caught up on though not necessarily understood and about to do a small amount of back-blipping. Don't expect much detail as I'm quite tired but the headline is that me and the kids loved glamping, Carl loved it during the day and thought it was bearable at night, though still doesn't really understand why you would ever consider staying somewhere with worse facilities than at home a holiday.

Hope everyone's had a lovely Easter weekend.

Lesley x

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