Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Triumphal return.

Dehydrated, lacking in sleep, tired, dishevelled, unshaven, unwashed but grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Edgar returns home from his rugby club tour to Amsterdam. I don't think much revision was done!

They did play rugby - in a tournament which they won. They won all their games and beat the Dutch National Team - their age group.

It sounds like a lot of bar crawling and clubbing took place with very little sleep. The story goes that at the tournament the Dutch teams took the whole thing very seriously, running through drills and set pieces whilst the Hitchin players crashed and snoozed on the touchline waiting for kick off. ...and still won.

It isn't as peaceful now but it is fun. I wouldn't have it any other way. (Ask me again in a couple of days).

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