In Tru Life

By TruLife

A day at the farm

We had a lovely day at Almond Valley Heritage Centre today and Floriana is recovering very well, apart perhaps from the nappy department. She was chatting away in the car on the way home quite happy and content. Her appetite is almost nothing still and I can see it'll take quite a bit of post-illness-weaning to get her back to her old self!

Baby Book Entry:
Flori you can now say...
Nap nap
Night night
Lie down (to the cat before he gets his food)
Babye see you later (once)
Luvoo (I love you, but only the once so far)
Maddy (but mostly she's still Mama)
No (but not all the time just when I ask if you want something and you don't... logical!)
Pleeeease (especially when you want me or a doctor to keep taking your temp with an ear thermometer)
Quack quack
I eat it! (before cheakily chewing mummy's bracelet tonight)
Mummy, Daddy, and many more I can't remember!
When I whispered and asked you "have you done a poo?" you whisered back with a grin, "Yeah!" Lol!!!!!
You also pointed and said poo at naptime when you had!

You can sign
Thank you
All gone
(laughingly copy me sign) No throw food! (after throwing food)

You like copying signs a lot!

Today you got braver and tried trampolining at the Heritage Centre which made me proud!

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