Eternal Love

By eternallove

Near the End.

It's that time of the school year again. = =
So many things to do in such a short amount of time.
AHHHH! > ~ <

I'm amazed I haven't had my mental breakdown yet. lol.
Hopefully I won't cause I really don't need that right now. ...;;

I can't believe that I only have 2 more weeks, adding this week and next week,
of school left.. DDDD:
Well.. technically it's only this week since next week is just finals...
Augh.. just thinking about that makes me nervous..

Yes I'm happy that the school year is coming to an end, but... my grades are not that great right now and yeah...
Just a tad bit worried for my grades.. Hopefully I'll be able to end this semester well.

Anyways, enough about grades and classes..
As much as this year was a bit stressful, it was another good year.
If you guys remember my blip on the jar of origami,
it's definitely overflowing with memories right now. : )
As much as I don't want to be a junior next year,
I really can't wait to see what will happen.

This school year has been great & I'm going to miss those who are graduating this year.
Best of luck to you all. : )

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