Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Three Muskeeters

Today, as always, I took my camera everywhere, but somehow I arrived home with not one photo. I could have taken photos while my students were writing their in-class essays; or during in the faculty meeting; or in the Writing Center; or at the financial advisor's office in Orange County where we learned that Mr. Fun is good to go if he selects retirement; or at the PetSmart PetHotel that we stopped at for a tour.

But nope -- not one capture in my camera. So after returning home and the pooches had eaten their dinner, I caught Mitzi chewing a bone while Max was cleaning Chloe's right ear. Then one close-up of Chloe to prove that Max had really been bending her ear. ;-)

Four months ago today, on December 26, Chloe joined our family. We had been almost seven months without our Bob dog. Then on February 4th Mitzi and Max arrived. So zero to three in less than six weeks!!

They were all free; give-aways that we were fortunate enough to get. We've paid plenty, though, for crates and carriers and coats and car seats, but most of all, they've stolen our hearts. They've filled our lives with so much laughter and licks and love. We've also had to learn how to manage the mischief. But mostly, these three Muskeeters are masters of smooching and pooping.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

P.S. Several blippers have asked what I use to create a collage. I use a program called "Paint" and I think it is a free download. Mr. Fun taught me how to use it by taking one frame and doing a "stretch/skew" and then a "cut" and stretch the frame and then paste in what I've just "cut" and then pasting in other frames, but I don't own PhotoShop--I would love to and would love to take classes in it. I did a multi-frame collage on Monday, April 11..

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