The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Obama Rally San Marcos

I've decided to compile a list of things I like and dislike about Obama.

-Opposed iraq war from start
-$1000 tax cut for every working american
-amend nafta to protect american workers & strengthen environmental protections.
-invest in green technologies
-reduce carbon emissions
-pro unions/ protect striking workers
-increase min. wage w/ inflation.
-double funds for after school programs
-strengthen civil rights
-drug courts for 1st time, non violent offenders
-passed law to prohibit racial profiling
-abolish teach- to- test curriculum
-increase pell grant to 5,100
-accelerate commercialization of plug-in hybrids/ electric
-national low carbon fuel standard
-invest in solar/wind energy
-diplomacy to iran to protect interests.
-protect family farms/ encourage organic farming.
-protect openness of internet.
-restore habeas corpus
-end genocide in darfur.

-restrengthen NATO
-mandatory affordable healthcare
-secure borders
-not sure if he'll be able to deliver; these are big issues that could take many years.

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