A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fond au revoirs

Can't do links on the iPhone so you'll just have to amuse yourselves with spotting the blipper.

One bonus of our cancelled weekend was being in the right part of the world when these lovely folks passed by. Cue eating food, drinking fizz and chatting like we see them every week, which is how it should be. I even got to tell a couple of stories as one of them doesn't read blip!

After a lazy start the main morning activity was an Easter Egg Hunt to replace the promised one from grandparents on our trip that isn't happening. Finished just in time to turn the telly on for a bit of wedding action: J started playing table football, Carl went for a lie-down and Anna asked if she could watch something on iPlayer. And all before Kate had finished walking down the aisle. I took the opportunity for some lying on the sofa with the papers time.

Which, happily, is where I find myself again. Marvellous.

Lesley x

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