Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

I love Saturdays' in the summer

Summer is almost upon us and I love my Saturday summer routine.

I get up at 7am and have my morning walk either on the beach or on the grassy area at 'Mans Head'. My owner, Ann, works all day on a Saturday so I spend the morning snoozing in my bed. At lunchtime Christian, my dogsitter comes to get me. He usually takes me jogging in the fields.

Then I go to his house. I spend the afternoon playing in his garden. But sometimes his wife, Lynda, is cooking in the kitchen. She makes ever such nice things so I tend to lie right at her feet and she always gives me little titbits.

When Ann finishes work she comes to get me and we usually go and sit in the beer garden at the 'Sheaf of Wheat' with whoever she's been working with.

Most of my Saturday blips this summer are probably going to feature me in the 'Sheaf of Wheat'!

Yesterday my 'street party' blip made it onto the 'spotlight' page. At the moment I seem to be on the 'spotlight' page 3 or 4 times a week but I still don't know how I keep ending up there. Maybe I'm just a popular 'MollyCollie'?!

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