The way I see it.

By christinePears

Looking down the River

Hope all this blue sky and water is not boring you but personally I can't get enough of it! Busy, busy day digging the garden and I finished the bit at the top of the planted slope. Will blip it when there is more to see than turned soil. Three loads of washing out and dried on my wonderful new whirly. There is something very satisfying about hanging out washing and getting it dried in the sun and wind. Smells great!

After all that, Clisham the cat and I went for a walk, camera in hand down to the bottom of the garden and along the river. The heron was there fishing and got several good ones but he is there every day now and it has lost it's challenge. Swallow/house martins were swooping about and I would like to think that one of the birds in the picture is one of them in flight! (perhaps the one in the top left)

I saw what I think is a great northern diver today. You can see it here

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