SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Kit Car Show

After being all domestic yesterday... nice clean house from top to bottom and lots thrown away.

Today we went to the Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh Show Ground near Coventry. To be honest for me it was a bit boring... to say the least but R had a good time.

These guys were giving people the "rides of their life" now I am usually quite adventurous and like the thrill of things... being a canoeist and Scuba Diver. BUT I took one look at this and though NO definitely NO! They were going around the track at speed, the smell of burning rubber of the tyres was putrid. It was for right up there with Bungee Jumping... err no way.

R and I had a discussion about it... for the last 21 years I have been happy to throw myself down white water rivers in a kayak, Scuba Dive down to 30 meters below sea level... but this, I wouldn't say frightened me, we both decided it was down to control. Your dependent on someone else's driving skills as they sped around the track doing 'doughnuts' and weaving in and out of the chicanes. I wouldn't generally say I was someone who needed to control I just have an appreciation of the activities that I do... its all in my hands. We also decided that it was also down to the fact that we have seen what can happen when someone driving at that kind of speed and doughnuts gets it wrong. Its a long story but it resulted in R's current car 3 years ago acquiring £4000 worth of damage, including stuffed up suspension and said person was bloody lucky they piled in to R's car and not a crowd of people! There was a stark difference however, the guys doing this today were trained drivers, the young man that piled in to R's car was both foolish, dangerous and drunk!

It was a nice day even if it wasn't my scene... the important this was that R and I were spending time together. These two long weekends have been brilliant!

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