
This is NOT simply a Port-a-Pot. It is a Complete Restroom with hand washing included. It is installed along the road while a Highway Resurfacing project is underway. We have been driving past this spot for several weeks now and it has stimulated several thoughts.

The portable sink made me think of the signs that we see in all restaurants, sighs that say, "Employees must wash hands before returning to work". It didn't seem to apply to construction workers who are working with macadam, tar, and heavy machines. As time went on I realized that the missing sign should more appropriately say, "Employees must wash hands before eating".

Before OSHA made toilet facilities a requirement, it was unlikely that employers would provide construction workers has a place, except behind bushes, to go to the bathroom. Now we see complete portable restrooms that are made available for workers. BRAVO!

Likewise we now see people working high above using man lifts instead of shaky 60 foot extension ladders. The workplace is becoming safer and I am sure that construction fatalities have been drastically reduced. Again BRAVO!

Added later: View Large! I love the logo on the door "We are at your disposal"!

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