
By fancyfootwork

hi there again (:

my lovelife is a mess. i think that we're at the end of the relationship. i haven't spoken to her in days, and haven't seen her for like a week and a few days.
i really love her, but i came to realise that i'm just to young to take this all so heavy and all, we're just teeangers, if this doesn't work out, i probably need to just let it go and move on.

so here is me.
i was quite satisfied with the way i looked today, allthough it doesn't really show on the photo.. my hair isn't as curly anymore, you don't see my dr. martens, and my make-up is kinda faded away here, but nevermind.

and, i want to thank birgit for always being there for me! (:
even in my not-so-charming-and-happy-time,
birgit you are the best.

..sorry for the absense/absence/whattever!


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