I love it!

18months 12 days

Katie seems to love her new bed! (well, newly-converted-to-a-bed-cotbed!) Last night, she did discover that she can climb out once I've left the room. But to my surprise, and pleasure, she took advantage of the ability to explore for a mere 7minutes, before she climbed back into her bed with an extra toy to cuddle and went to sleep until almost 5am. She then came in with me for milk and a cuddle, and slept til 7.45. Of course, she chose a morning we were planning on being out early to have a lie in, but never mind! I've taken the bed guard off because I watched her climbing into her bed this morning. She takes a running start, jumps on the bed edge, flicks herself over the guard and flips onto the bed. So I've put the foam mats along her bed and removed the guard. It feels less likely to result in injury!

We went out to do a job and a lovely walk in the sunshine this morning. She was a happy bunny, chattering to the birdies as we went round and looking at all the trees and pretties. We headed back and stopped off at Jack's house. We played there for a while before all coming to our house for lunch.

Jack's mummy had an interview all afternoon, so Jack stayed and played with us. I say 'played' and 'with us', but before his mum left, Katie went to bed. I was not sure how it would go, the first day time nap in the bed, but she was great with that too. Got out once, climbed back in and went to sleep. Then ten minutes after Katie went to sleep, so did Jack, in her pram. They both slept for 1hr 1/2. They played really nicely together in Katie's room for ages before his mum returned to get him. I made butternut squash and sage risotto for tea. Katie ate loads of squash, and some risotto too so I was happy with that.

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