Planko's Pics

By planko


Today i realised that despite me being back working in Edinburgh for over 2 months now, and my office being the other side of the road from the Galleries and Princes Street Gardens, I hadn't yet blipped The Castle.
Job done!

Seems to have been a day for meeting ex-collegues today. Went out for a blip wander at lunchtime and bumped into several on Lothian Road, then bumped into ooo on my way out of work, then watched Scobes (who was my people manager for a while) video on the blipblog when i got home. It's excellent!

Wasn't happy with the rushed shot I took at lunchtime so went back this evening en-route from my office at one end of Princes Street to an office at the other end. It was a lovely pleasant walk in the sunshine and I'm pleased I went back as this is a much better shot. Just a pity the fountain isn't running. I'll be back when it is with the tripod!

Spotted a cross on my wander today so that's going to be in the bag soon, as its a while since I've had a cross moment.


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