By wellsforzoe

My Mum

It may be a day late but the mothers of the world won't mind.
At 81 she is a strong woman. Independant, lives alone, musician, sometimes poet and philosopher, always persuasive.

Can I rant a little from my blog today?
It was Mothers? Day yesterday, and in those 24 hours about 1,500 women will have died giving birth, as they do every day of the year. Almost all the deaths will have been in the world?s 75 poorest countries. Most would have been preventable in more affluent nations. Maternal health is a bald and unforgiving indicator of the state of a country?s medical services - and its civil society. After all, most women give birth. A society that neglects their needs is a society that institutionally discriminates against women.

And I haven't even started

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