The Mother, at 83 ...

... reflecting on life, not death.

The Mother has had a fabulous day! I took her back to the town where we were both born, Whitehaven. She needed a last chance to go back and visit a special friend who is very ill. Another friend not only arranged that house visit, but by sheer coincidence, yesterday, at the opposite side of the country, was introduced to The Mother's ex-boss and invited him and another of her colleagues to join us for lunch.

What a surprise, and what a great chat we all had in a cafe made in the remains of our old church. More rounds of tea and coffees were ordered!

Apart from that, The Mother is compiling an album of photos on her computer to go alongside all the family history she has collated, and wanted, on what she saw as her last trip "home" to gather photos of old houses and family gravestones. A while ago I handed over my first Blip P&S, she loves it, and can usually remember how to transfer the images to the computer.,

Here she is with a cuppa from a flask, having a quiet moment at the grave of her mother and father.

She thinks she has been so lucky having the chance to do this. I was The Photographer's Assistant, taking back-up shots! What was I thinking about? ISO 500 on a bright day? f4.5 on a deep landscape? At least at 1/500th I didn't miss the action!

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