Flicker and Fade

I'm having wavering thoughts about continuing with this whole upload-one-photo-a-day-thing I've been so consistent about for the past... oh, I don't know..568 consecutive days. I guess it's the writing bit that has me burned out more than anything.
On one hand, I love looking back and seeing what was mentionable about a day. On the other hand, I write so little that actually means anything to me anymore.
I like the 5-things-that-make-me-happy lists. I don't like the paragraphs chronologically organizing each and every day. That bores me. Yet, entry after entry, there those blasted words are.
I don't have anything witty to say.

It also gets to the point where my photos don't mean anything to me. There's no story to be told because I'm too damned shy to take photos of people I don't know. I don't want to bother people, so I let the shots I want slip away. I need more gumption.

I've decided my mid-year resolution is to make an effort to be a kinder person.
Trying to get angered less.
Trying to control my temper more.

I'm distracted from studying. Not a good thing.
I am less than 24 hours away from a real summer.

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