
By Viewpoint

Creative play!

I've recently seen some images where the photographer deliberately moved the camera during a long exposure and others where there has been some artistic tweaking of the image in photoshop. So I wanted to have a play. This is my first attempt - though I have other images that I might try out.

We had a walk to Wentworth Castle Gardens for lunch to see the rhodies and the azaleas which are at their best just now. I preferred the white with a blush of pink rhodies to the bright garish azaleas. I've now got lots of photos of flowers and quite a few lensbaby shots of the castle folly so may get around to putting them onto Flickr.

I also need to get round to doing some serious commenting tonight - I've been a little preoccupied of late and short of time and need to seriously redress the balance.

Must go and water on the allottment first though. Talk later!

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