Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Do you Dandy ...

... take thee Lion to be your lawful wedded weed!

I don't think I've seen so many of these hugely photographed weeds in one place before!

I hope all you blippers are well ... i've had a couple of day's off, i've been so busy I just haven't had time although i've had good intentions as I've taken the pictures however I've just come home, sat down and nodded off! I guess it's for time's like this that being a member comes in handy ... should I ... shouldn't I?! That is the question!

Funny few day's, it's been filled with high's and lows! The first low being Thursday night when we had a phone call from Ki's manager to say that Rushden and Diamonds club was folding due to financial difficulties which meant the Centre of Excellence would cease to exist. This isn't the greatest timing for this to happen due to big K being injured and out of training for at least a further 2 weeks and then physio. We then received an email to say there's a glimmer of hope, where that glimmer has come from I don't know however all's to be revealed on Tuesday! The rest of the weekend has just plodded by as it does then again big K came home from his dad's feeling pretty upset after speaking to his dad and telling him how he feels. His dad and girlfriend have recently had a baby, it's not that big K feels left out, he love's his new baby brother but I think his dad's mrs wears the trousers if you get me! Big K just want's a bit of 'boy time' but at 13 it's difficult for him to express it without coming across like a grumpy teenager but if I intervene I just come across as being the jealous ex which after 10 years apart I can safely say I've moved on with my life and my only concern is my boy but despite these claims anything I say makes things worse not better! It's difficult to talk to someone that doesn't listen!

This being a mum job is bloody hard at times!

Well all I can say is well done if you've got down to my final sentence ... there was a lot of chest airing in this blip!!! xxx

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