Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

High tea anyone?

Today has been a good day!

Hunted the charity shops today for vintage accessories, we were pretty successful I have to say! Then went to a friends house where we set this scene up! A dear friend of mine is setting up a little vintage business venture so we mocked christenings, weddings with welly boots and just a general high tea! It was lucky I didn't eat all of the scrummy food!

Every time I look in the mirror since having my daughter (3rd baby) i've hated what I see however nothing's kick started a 'healthy eating plan' until today ... I actually saw myself & barely recognised myself ... ACTION! So as of today, this afternoon to be precise I am dieting healthy eating! No more Monday's or next weeks ... it starts today! I'm starting a famous weight loss regime on Thursday, I'm dreading it ... I'm wondering if they'll just write my weight down and then the following week tell me if I've lost anything rather than tell me my weight! Anyway I went to ZUMBA tonight ... I LOVED IT!!! I can't wait to go again next week! So that and netball should keep up my fitness!

Well time to for me to get on and drink and well deserved cup of tea! x

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