a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

(I've backblipped:
Mein Zimmer)

Waking up this morning was pretty hard, because we didn't get back until 3:00 and I had to wake up at 9:00. Oh well.. I'd rather be busy and tired than well-rested and bored.

Today has been filled with orientation activities. Between meetings a few of us went on a walk down Unter Den Linden to see the Franfurter Tor, the Reichstag building and the Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas. It's a very moving and photogenic place. When I have more time I will probably spend a day there shooting as much as I can.

... and on the way to the Frankfurter Tor we got accosted by a cameraman and reporter woman from CNN who took some video of us talking about how the exchange rate has been affecting us. So... any of you who watch CNN in the mornings, look for me!

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