Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Mother's Day Surprises

My Mother's Day Surprise:

My son: Mommy, you stay here. We are putting a surprise together for you in the garage.

Me: Oh okay, I will stay right here.

My daughter: (runs in from the garage) Mommy, I got you M & N's and a ring......a watch. (runs back in the garage).

Me: (laughing)

My three loves walk into the house each carrying gifts.

My daughter: Mommy, these are your M & N's. Can I have some?

My son: Mommy, look I got you a bird feeder cause I really know that you've been wanting a bird feeder. And look, I also picked you out a hummingbird feeder too.

My daughter: And Mommy, look in here. Look in this box.

My husband: (says to me) ......and she picked it out ALL BY HERSELF.

My daughter: Yeah, all by myself! (proud smile)

Me: (opening the box) Oh how pretty. It's a gold watch!

My daughter: A pretty watch Mommy, just for you cause I love you soooo much!

My husband: And flowers from me!


I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day moment. This actually happened the evening before. I got to choose. Would you like your Mother's Day surprises tonight or tomorrow? I chose last night. And my husband filled me in on all of the stories about the kids picking out my gifts.

He said that on the way to the store, he asked the kids what they would like to buy for me. Our son said a bird feeder right off the bat. And that means so much to me because he knows that I have been wanting to get some new feeders for the backyard. My husband said that he picked both of them out because he said that I would really like them.

When he asked our daughter what she wanted to get for me, she told him, "A baby. Cause Mommy doesn't have a baby". Alright he thought, she wants to get Mommy a doll. So when they got to the store, they were walking down the isle and he said that our daughter spotted this watch. She ran to it and said, "This is what I want to get for Mommy, it is so bootiful Daddy. Mommy will wuv it!" My husband saw the price and laughed, $9.99 on sale, half off, "Okay honey, you can get that for Mommy. She will love it." And he knew that I really would love it. It is totally something that I would have picked out for myself. It might be $9.99 but it is one of the most special pieces of jewelry that I have ever received. And yes, I have worn it everyday since.

I am so lucky. I feel beyond fortunate for the life that I have been blessed with. Two incredibly precious children who mean more to me than words could ever begin to describe. I see their sweet happy little faces and it makes me tear up just thinking about how rich and inspiring my life is because of them. Because of their laughter. Their hugs. Their funny personalities. I thank God each and every day for my family. And moments like these are treasures. Moments of excitement and love and togetherness. That is what I treasure most of all. Being a Mother, a Mommy to my son and to my daughter......that is what defines my life. My family is what makes me whole.

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