Tick tick tick

but not tock.

Yesterday I removed six of these horrid things from my dogs and then found this one on the inside of Ruddles ear this morning.
I was told some years ago that to get them off you soak cotton wool with either meths or nailpolish, dab the tick with it and it will drop off...
Rubbish and it doesn't do the dogs sensitive nose any good either.
Google.....gave me the answer, this only worked on Ruby, the ones on Ruddles hung on so I resorted to covering them with vet powder to ensure the area would be protected and then pulled the little buggers out with tweezers.

So here it is, all covered with vet powderand ready to meet his/her maker.

While writing this I have learnt a very valuable lesson...
Don't leave a pan of wild garlic soup on the stove simmering while you quickly look on blip! And also learn that your new laptop is moveable and I don't have to come up to the office to play anymore.............AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGggh!

And still the blighters come, three days after a Frontline dose we are finding fresh ticks trying to hang on.

I have my tweezers!!!!

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