Gifts of Grace

By grace

Then there was one

A day of drama in the garden. Woken first thing by the duckling's cheep - there was only one left from yesterday.

Then, all day a gang of young drakes would come in pursuit of Momma. Poppa would chase them all he could till the number proved too great and the parents would take flight leaving this bright little soul to fend for itself.

It did very well, foraging and hiding and even having a swim in the duck bath. Cheeping all the while. Then a frantic reunion, a feed for the whole family, a quick snooze after all the excitement.

Then the gang would return and the whole drama unfold again. All this interspersed with torrential downpours.

By this evening the last duckiing had disappeared - gone forever. Momma and Poppa returned and seemed calmer, not calling and calling as has happened in the past.

Phew! What a week. Many tears and huge teachings on impermanence, life and loving.

Tonight the rain and tears have stopped. The world and my heart feel washed clean.
In Memoriam Cuteness on Blipfolio. Gotta live, gotta love. Thanks to everyone who spoke their heart's truth on Blip this week.

Edit: 10.30pm
Just picked this up via Molly's Twitter friend Bruna Zanelli 'Molly's Funeral is Saturday 14th @ 10.30am. Mark is doing ok. Perhaps we can all say a prayer/whatever for Molly, light candles to speed her on her way to Summerland.'

Edit 2.30am - So tired and can't sleep. Details of virtual Wake for Molly here.

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