
By Frontier

Reach Inside

When I can't find you, I'll reach inside my heart and find you in my smile.

This was the sky before seeing Black Swan. Fantastic film by all accounts. It's a great combination of The Red Shoes, Perfect Blue and Taxi Driver (metaphorically speaking) and has the great Aronofsky pace and movement. I can talk about the film for hours and hours and hours, but it'll come to no avail as other people's opinions would be just as valid. Some people thought the film was lousy, saying it had too much ballet..... well, my thoughts are that since the film is based a lot on ballet, there should be a lot of ballet in it. Another reviewer in Australia for the Age, wrote that Enter the Dragon had too much action... I'm floored. REALLY!?!?! What were you expecting? Seriously, Bruce Lee's pretty famous for a bunch of things, probably not rope climbing though. Anyway, my point is, even a published writer is about as good as a lie, but then only because I believe it so whilst others will follow it like a bible.

A long haired rocker was walking around with a cut-out (10cmx10cm) newspaper article (from the Age) of an Ozzy Osbourne album that got a decent review. I spoke to him about Sabbath and the like and he had this look like he was confirmed for the first time. I felt sad because he should just be able to enjoy himself without the "permission" of some newspaper who does not have any perspective on his own life whatsoever.

This brings me back to my point. I loved Black Swan, I had a few reservations, all of which are justified, but so did others. I thought the ballet was fantastic and it made me interested or appreciative of the art. The art and not the people that surround it. The pure expression and purpose of its function. I think it's futile to dismiss such things with blatant ignorance. Everyone has their viewpoint on a subject, be it ballet or cinema, but I honestly think there is something to appreciate in anything if you open yourself up to it.

Even planking...

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