My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

Another day another flower!

Hellooooo blippers!

Yes, exciting day here... no...not really! Woke up to find the Dishwasher had survived the night, more importantly the contents survived! Hurrah! Hubby 1 - 0 Dishwasher! Today was filled with housework, the ironing pile finally tracked me down and pinned me into a corner until I relented and ironed some of it! Though to make up for that traumatic experience... we made choc chip cookies! Yum!

So hopefully a slightly more exciting blip tomorrow, but on the plus side this was taken in manual, which might not sound very impressive to the more experienced photographers, but I've spent a lot of time in the comfort of the aperture and time value priority settings and slowly trying to become more comfortable shooting in manual.

Hope you have a fabulous evening!

Love Cath x

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