Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Tiny Bubbles

First of all thank you everyone for your reponse to the rainy abstract , I really wasn't sure how it would go even though I really liked it, it was definitely a strange image.

Reflections today , looking back on a day well spent in the garden working with John on his latest garden project for several hours. I did remark that we could have paid some one to build his raised beds but true to his usual style he remarked that this was costing us nothing as he was using wooden pallettes given to him by the fish farm owner. Also he was using nails left over from work done on the roof. So apart from our labour which he thinks is free it's costing him nothing. Anyway the job is almost done and the midges didn't appear today , a bonus in itself.

Stopped to go to the mobile library and coffee afternoon , all very civilised , homebaking , coffee and chatting with friends while we take turns to change our library books. What a difficult life we lead in retirement !!!

Back working in the garden I spotted tonight's blip. A very big snail immersed in its own bubbles. I waited ahes for its head to appear but nothing doing so I took this shot ( well,one or two shots from different angles) . This was my favourite as almost every bubble has a reflection of the trees and also of me taking the photograph.

Hope your day was as enjoyable as ours even though it was very misty and is now also very wet.

LARGE is well worth a peek if you have time. ( I think so , hope ypu do too)

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