Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


No...don't worry... I haven't suddenly entered a 'dark place'. I was looking for something in our bits 'n' bobs drawer today. Surely every home has a bits 'n' bobs drawer...where all the things that don't really belong anywhere live? Ours contains such things as birthday candles; a spare key which doesn't seem to fit any lock but which we daren't throw away in case, presumably, we suddenly discover a secret door we didn't know we had; lollipop sticks; those plastic snappy things for sealing bags; the spare bulbs for the Christmas fairy lights...that kind of stuff.

Anyway, while looking for a pencil sharpener I came across this little key which I think is used for bleeding our radiators. If it isn't then the title of this image makes no sense at all ;-) The shape of it appealed to me and later, when I was fiddling with a pen torch, looking in the video slot for a missing lego piece (don't ask but the culprit's name begins with N) I suddenly thought about the little key and wondered whether this shot would work...

My mind goes to some weird places sometimes. I blame Noah.

Edit: HA! I keep forgetting to look at the one year ago shot. Today's one year ago shot shows the culprit of the 'hide the lego in the video slot' game. Only that time he was playing the 'See if I can remove all the water from the bath and deposit it on the floor' game...which both boys still play today.

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