Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

Long Hair

This week I seem to have been finally recognised as someone who has long hair. I've been growing it for months but nobody has noticed until now. How I am enjoying it swishing around, and especially today how it looked against a lacy edged top I have. How very shallow I am. But then, isn't it the little things that blip is here to celebrate...

Today as I left work and headed to Napiers for Sue the heavens opened and I realised that I hadn't been caught out like that in the rain for ages. I had the hood on my oh so glam rain jacket on and I got a bit transfixed listening to the rain drops landing on my head. It was very soothing, especially with the soothing swish of the cars through the water on the road. I could see the droplets gather round the edge of the hood and precariously hang before falling, holding a whole wee world of light inside. I quite often think that I want to be able to take a picture of exactly what I see, but I know that in introducing a camera into the situation it will all change, not least because the camera wouldn't fit between my eye and what I want to capture. Photography is a different type of seeing. It is a mechanical eye.

I am well taken with my eyes in this picture, love the light.

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