It Started Down Under

By dirk

Chinese Cooking

Today I started a new module at university. To learn about other cultures and intercultural markers we got the assignment to cook in groups of three. Each team consisting of a chef, a sous-chef and an observer. Today the chef would be Leijing (a Chinese exchange student) and I would be the observer.

We had the most amazing cooking experience, we tasted all sorts of dried vegetables and typical Chinese food. Then we prepared 3 dishes. Because I had band rehearsal this evening I couldn't be there at the dinner. But I know that the food was great, because I tasted quite a lot during cooking.

Band rehearsal was very useful too, I wrote down some new cues from the musical and we rehearsed many of the difficult songs to get into the groove of Bad Girls.

After the rehearsal I picked up my girl. We watched some television and went to bed. Tomorrow I'll drive her to her internship in Eindhoven after which I will go to university for the second day of this module.

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