The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

The nail wins it by a head

This sad scene was played out in our lounge this evening as I removed a 52 year old peice of skirting board (1 part wood to 3 parts gloss paint) in the continuing overhaul of our home. We are having the walls skimmed at the weekend and need to prepare as much as possible, including removing the skirting as we are replacing it.

Most boards came off leaving the nails embedded in the wall and I had done okay until this nail put up a brave fight. I had a great sense of satisfaction when it finally gave, only to discover that the nail was still firmly hanging onto the wall and now had the head of my claw hammer attached but not the handle.

So farewell hammer. You have been with me for around 23 years (I know because it was one of my first purchases when I bought my first flat) and served me well but now you must go to the great toolbox in the sky - and I will visit B&Q tomorrow and invest in your replacement.

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