Capital adventures

By marchmont

Wind in the Willow

I just thought of that title! Phone blip because it was raining when I went out so left camera at home. (Just found out memory card was still in laptop anyway. My new camera book warns against these things.)

Most of the day indoors writing up K's family history and finding some ancestors of my own (William Muir, b 1778, went from Linlithgow to Dunbar sometime before 1804). When I did venture out it was wet, windy and cold. Friends in SW France tell me it's 29 degree there.

This is the willow on the Links that was blowing hard. I love willows - we have a beautiful one at La G, although apparently it's not a good idea to have them so near a pool.

Penultimate concert rehearsal to-night. We all thought we sang really well. Let's hope we haven't peaked too soon!!

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