The Living Years

By emmaneni1

'But Dickon laughed.

"Eh!" he said, and as he crumbled the rich black soil she saw he was sniffing up the scent of it, "there doesn't seem to be no need for no one to be contrary when there's flowers an' such like, an' such lots o' friendly wild things runnin' about makin' homes for themselves, or buildin' nests an' singin' an' whistlin', does there?"

The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett 1911

I'm always in a rush, but Mum spent the whole weekend looking in gardens and noticing things I wouldn't normally. taring into gardens makes me nervous, what happens if the owner comes out shouting. But I learnt to relax and the result was the sight of this sweet statue in a quiet garden in the centre of Pecs. It reminded me of the Secret Garden one of my favourite books as a child.

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