Texas Life

By txlife


Well, admittedly, this is a non-Texas post (though cities in Texas and elsewhere in the USA share the problems), but harkens back to the city of my birth and my life's profession.

My brothers and colleagues in the Los Angeles City Fire Department have been hit with budget shortfalls, and have been struggling with a "Modified Deployment Plan" that hasn't been working too well. Chief Millage Peaks presented alternative plans to the City Council yesterday, which seemed to meet with success. But even so, it is a compromise that puts firefighters lives at increased risk, and the citizens of Los Angeles at increased risk as well. But it seems to be the best possible compromise available given budget constraints and shortfalls.

My thoughts and best wishes go out to all the firefighters and citizens in LA and elsewhere in similar circumstances.

This is a miniature of LAFD's Engine 88 serving the Sherman Oaks area in the San Fernando Valley.

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